Genes, Smoking, and Health

NEUROSCIENCE Genes, Smoking, and Health ABSTRACT Research on the impact of genes on smoking and through smoking on health. We are using the genomic Health and Retirement Survey both to confirm earlier GWAS findings on smoking and genes, and to...

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Interoception and Decision-Making

NEUROSCIENCE Interoception and Decision-Making ABSTRACT Studies on the roles of emotion in decision-making have highlighted a powerful role for emotions in influencing choices. The source of the individual differences in emotional responses, and...

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Propranolol and Loss Aversion

NEUROSCIENCE Propranolol and Loss Aversion ABSTRACT Previous work has suggested that arousal responses to gain and loss outcomes are related to loss aversion in participants’ choices. Though these previous data are correlational, they suggest a...

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Urban Attention

NEUROSCIENCE Urban Attention ABSTRACT The effects of external distractors on reaction time have been extremely well characterized in the lab. In this project, we aim to quantify the impact of distracting urban environments during an everyday...

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