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More infoMeasuring people’s internal model of motor error distribution
NEUROSCIENCE Measuring people’s internal model of motor error distribution ABSTRACT A good decision maker in perception and action (e.g. a good surgeon, a good basketball player) needs to compensate for the irreducible errors in her own movement...
More infoAcute Stress and Reinforcement Learning
NEUROSCIENCE Acute Stress and Reinforcement Learning ABSTRACT The physiological response evoked by short-lived stressful events, referred to as acute stress, impacts human decision-making. Past studies assume that stress causes people to fall...
More infoThe HUMAN Project at the 39th MCC Annual 3rd Avenue Community Benefit Festival
The HUMAN Project at the 39th MCC Annual 3rd Avenue Community Benefit Festival The HUMAN Project team held a booth on Sunday, September 11th from 10AM to 6PM at the 39th MCC Annual Third Avenue Community Benefit Festival. The festival ran...
More infoAn Analysis of Decision under Risk in Rats
NEUROSCIENCE An Analysis of Decision under Risk in Rats AUTHORS Christine Constantinople ABSTRACT In 1979, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky published a ground-breaking paper titled ‘‘Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk,’’ which...
More infoEfficient coding in decision circuits
NEUROSCIENCE Efficient coding in decision circuits ABSTRACT A fundamental feature of neurobiological systems is adaptive coding, where neural activity reflects the recent history of information processing. Such adaptation is thought to be...
More infoThe price of success
NEUROSCIENCE The price of success ABSTRACT How much should you pay for a better chance at success? For this project, we approached individuals in a city park and had them play a novel lottery using a small set of black and white marbles in an...
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More infoRational Imprecision: Information Processing, Neural, and Choice-Rule Perspectives
NEUROSCIENCE Rational Imprecision: Information Processing, Neural, and Choice-Rule Perspectives AUTHORS: Kai Steverson, Adam Brandenburger, and Paul Glimcher ABSTRACT People make mistakes. A rationally imprecise decision...
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