Andrew Caplin ISDM Director,Professor of Economics My Ph.D. at Yale was supervised by Professors William Nordhaus, Herbert Scarf, and James Tobin. The diverse intellectual make-up of the committee reflects my broad combination of interests, which...
More infoWeili Ding
Weili Ding Associate Professor of Economics Weili Ding is an Associate Professor of Economics at NYU Shanghai. Her research focuses on the economics of education as well as rural development and urban transitions in China. In recent work, she has...
More infoJohn Rotrosen
John Rotrosen Director, Addiction Research Program Dr. John Rotrosen is Professor of Psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine. He attended NYU School of Medicine from 1968 to 1972 and completed a Psychiatry Research Residency at NYU...
More infoXavier Gabaix
Xavier Gabaix Professor of Finance My research focuses on behavioral economics, finance and macroeconomics. These days I am working particularly on developing basic modeling tools for behavioral economics.I’m developing a sparse matrix, that...
More infoDino Levy
Dino Levy Assistant Professor, Recanati Business School, Tel-Aviv University I am an assistant professor at Recanati Business School, Tel-Aviv University and the head of the Neuroeconomics...
More infoMichael S. Landy
Michael S. Landy Professor of Psychology and Neural Science I have an enduring interest in the use of computational techniques to study human vision. My doctoral dissertation concerned the computer simulation of a neural network...
More infoAdam Brandenburger
Adam Brandenburger J.P. Valles Professor Adam Brandenburger holds appointments at New York University as J.P. Valles Professor at the Stern School of Business, Distinguished Professor at the Tandon School of Engineering, and Faculty Director of...
More infoXiao-Jing Wang
Xiao-Jing Wang ISDM Associate Director,Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, Professor of Neural Science Xiao-Jing Wang is the Associate Vice Chancellor for Research at NYU Shanghai, and Professor of Neural Science at New York University...
More infoKenway Louie
Kenway Louie The vision scientist David Marr noted that information processing can be understood at three fundamental levels: at the level of functional goal (computational), at the level of representation (algorithmic), and at the level of...
More infoPaul Glimcher
Paul Glimcher ISDM Director,Julius Silver Professor of Neural Science, Economics, and Psychology My postdoctoral training was in oculomotor physiology. Working with Prof. David Sparks researching the brainstem and mesencephalic nuclei that...
More infoWei Ji Ma
Wei Ji Ma Associate Professor of Neural Science and Psychology I started out as a theoretical physicist, before realizing that I wasn’t very good at that and that I found the brain more interesting. Like many physicists, I switched to...
More infoAndrew Schotter
Andrew Schotter Professor of Economics Andrew Schotter is a Professor of Economics at New York University. He is also the Director of the Center for Experimental Social Science (C.E.S.S.). His main area of research is in economic theory, game...
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